Serious representation for injuries suffered on land or offshore.
While many people don’t believe they are at risk for a fire or burn injury, these accidents can happen to anyone at any time, and they can have devastating, life-changing consequences. Victims of fire and explosion injuries suffer physically and psychologically, enduring pain and disfigurement, leaving them with lost wages and massive medical bills.
At home and around the neighborhood, these injuries might be caused by a landlord who doesn’t follow fire-safety rules or a business that isn’t up to code. On the job at a plant, refinery, construction site or oil rig, victims may find themselves facing not just physical pain, but complicated workplace processes designed to limit payouts and benefits, or up against big oil companies with deep pockets and extensive legal teams. Which is why you need an experienced personal injury attorney to hold negligible parties accountable. Contact the Cossé Law Firm today for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.